
I am often asked what acupuncture can do. I can give you a laundry list: back aches, headaches, allergies, digestive issues, PMS, menopause, insomnia, depression, anxiety, nausea, fatigue, ADHD, all kinds of stuff. Then you might wonder how I can effectively treat so many things. Honestly, some things do respond more than others. Some people respond more than others.

“Can it treat this?” Generally, yes. Grossly oversimplified, traditional Oriental medicine views health as determined by quantity and quality of qi, or life energy. Every physical malady boils down to an energetic imbalance. It would be egotistical of me to say “I fix” or “I heal.” What I do is encourage your body to come back into balance.

More specifically, “Can you help me?” Call. Email. Let’s chat. If you and I think I can’t help you, what have you lost but a bit of your time?

I’m not sure it’s actually an ancient Chinese curse, but the last 20 or so years have certainly been interesting times! Before that, I’d pretty much done what I’d been told. Good grades+safe major+good school = good job. I was a software engineer in Cambridge, MA, just past entry level, but a far cry from senior developer. Life was about what I could have expected it to be, but there was something missing. Then, in no particular order, 9/11 happened, the economy imploded, and my job didn’t exist anymore. I had a great friend in Dallas who encouraged me to move down here, where I decided to pursue a master’s degree. Natural health and healing had been a hobby of mine for some time, and I had just tried acupuncture, with excellent results. When I found the Dallas College of Oriental Medicine, I knew that was where I would be for a while.

In over 19 years of clinical practice, including a year of student internship at an inpatient drug-rehab hospital, I have met all kinds of people dealing with all kinds of things, and I love helping people get better. Through my own life and the lives I’ve observed, the biggest truth I’ve noticed is, “It is never going to be just like right now.” Your body, your mind, and your situation, are never going to be in the same state in the same combination again, and that’s wonderful. I hope I can be part of your process in making your future moments as healthy and bright as possible!


Dallas College of Oriental Medicine, Master of Oriental Medicine 2005

Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, BS Computer Science and Mathematics 1996

Certifications and affiliations:

Texas Acupuncture License 00891

Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

National Acupuncture Detoxification Association

Texas Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

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